On 1/11/2021 4:26 AM, David E. Ross wrote:
> On 1/11/2021 12:44 AM, Daniel wrote:
>> David E. Ross wrote on 11/01/21 09:14:
>>> On 1/10/2021 12:08 PM, Ray Davison wrote:
>>>> I get a news letter from a doctor.  Twitter banned him because he
>>>> described his experience treating people with CCP virus.  He moved to
>>>> Parler and took 28K followers with him.
>>>> Now Twitter has banned Trump.  Trump moved to Parler.
>>>> Parler used Amazon servers.  Amazon has banned Parler.
>>>> Free speech anyone?
>>>> Ray
>>> The right of free speech in the first amendment to the U.S. Constitution
>>> only applies to government action, not to the actions of businesses and
>>> individuals.
>> I would have thought "free speech" would also give the provider the 
>> freedom *NOT* to reply to or even to carry an article!
> Given today's broad definition of "press", that falls under freedom of
> the press.  "Press" now seems to include not only print media but also
> electronic media.
No it does not. The 1st and 14th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution
*only* apply to Government action. The 1st applies to Federal Government
action, the 14th applies to state action.

Keith N. McKenna

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