On 11/01/2021 15:46, mike wrote:
On 11.01.2021 12:56, Dirk Fieldhouse wrote:
prevAll(), nextAll() and eq() are jQuery methods (get the list of
previous/subsequent siblings of a DOM element, get the nth item of a
list), but jQuery does not seem to be in use.

No, actually it seems to be object-assign
(https://github.com/sindresorhus/object-assign) according to
Well, not that exactly: Object.assign() is natively implemented by SM.

It's some other stuff that's included in the main.940c64ac.js. It doesn't seem to be any of the React JS components whose licences are listed; it looks like this is also included <https://github.com/styled-components/styled-components/tree/v5.2.0>, as well as stuff that's clearly specific to the ARD application (lists of German channels, etc).

But all this is way beyond my JS knowledge.


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