Ray Davison wrote:
It appears the function of Ctrl-D has not changed.  The heading has changed from "New Bookmark", to "Edit this bookmark".  Which is really Edit this Bookmark title.  It used to show the actual link which it called Location, but not in the current version.  And, what used to be "Save" is now "Done".  Changing New to Edit and Save to Done has made those functions labels less intuitive.

I suspect the reasons for the changes to wording are that:
* If you have already bookmarked the page, the same shortcut and dialog edits the existing bookmark - so it's not just used for adding new bookmarks * Changes are applied as soon as you make them - you don't have to click that button, and labelling it "Save" would imply that the changes aren't saved unless you click it

I don't know whether those aspects of the behaviour have changed, and the text changed accordingly, or whether it's always been that way and the text just updated to more accurately reflect what it does.

It does, however, make the "Cancel" button somewhat pointless and misleading, when any changes are already applied anyway, and remain after clicking "Cancel"...


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