Freenet Problem Report:

Properly filled out forms will
receive priority attention

Please save this file, and fill it in


1) What Freenet Version are
you using?

Version Number: 3.9.1

2) What Java Runtime Environment
are you using? JDK

Name of JRE: JDK
Version Number: 1.1.8

3) What flavour of Windows are
you using?

( ) Plain Windows 95?
( ) Windows 95 with Winsock update?
( ) Windows 95/OSR1?
(x) Plain Windows 98?
( ) Windows 98 Second Edition?
( ) Windows ME?
( ) Windows NT v3.51?
( ) Windows NT v4?
( ) Windows 2000?
( ) Windows 2000-SP1?
( ) Windows Whistler/XP?
( ) Custom Windows (eg 98lite)?

4) What CPU do you have installed?

( )  386
( )  486
( )  Pentium 1
( )  Pentium 2
( )  Pentium 3
(x)  Celeron    

( )  Cyrix?
( )  Duron?
( )  Athlon?
( )  Other? ________________

( )  Solaris

5) What is your CPU speed (in MHz)?

Speed: 300 MHz

6) How much RAM do you have installed?

Ram size (MB): 64 MB

7) What's the capacity of the hard disk
on which you have Freenet installed?

Disk size (MB): 8GB

7a) How much free space on this hard disk?

Free space (MB): 1.5GB

8) What other programs do you have installed?

Other programs (list these): Office2k, visual studio 6.0 professional,
black&white, half-life, others

9) Are you behind a firewall?

(x) Yes
( ) No

If yes, which one(s)?

Firewall: Microsoft Internet Information Server (**YUCK!**)
Version: 2.02222


10) How do you connect to the internet?

( ) Dial-up analog modem?
     ( ) 14k4?
     ( ) 28k?
     ( ) 56k?

( ) Cable?
( ) ISDN?
(x) T1 or higher?

11) Is your system directly connected
to the Internet?

( ) Yes - directly connected
(x) No - I connect through another computer

12) If you connect through another computer?
What software supports this shared connection

( ) Wingate?
(x) Windows LAN?
( ) Other?
    Please specify:

12a) Does you internet connection go through
any kind of proxy server?

(x) Yes
( ) No

If yes, please describe this proxy:

(x) Forced by my network admin
( ) Forced by my ISP
( ) Installed it myself

More info:


13) How stable is your system?

( ) I'd trust it to monitor my baby
( ) Quite stable
(x) Reasonable
( ) Flaky
( ) Blue-screen city

14) If there are instabilites,
do you know what may be triggering

Please describe: bad ram, no longer a problem after I took the windows shell
from 128 megs to 64 megs. much improved stability, obvious decrease in

15) Have you followed all the directions
in the Welcome To Freenet installation QuickGuide?

(x) Yes
( ) No

16) Have you thoroughly read through
the Help guides?

(x) Yes
( ) No

17) What do you have in your freenet.ini file?

[Freenet Node]

18) What do you have in your .fproxyrc file?


19) To what extent is Freenet operational?

Please describe what is actually

The system tray icon will come up and blink, but i am unable to start
freenet or go into the configuration.

20) What problem are you having with Freenet?

Please be specific, and cut-n-paste
any applicable error messages
you have received:

I cannot run freenet proxy. I am getting an error, here it is:
C:\Program Files\Freenet>fproxy
Sorry, can't minimize due to W2K difficulties
Executing: C:\jdk1.1.8\bin\java.exe -cp freenet.jar
Server -htl 25 -serverAddress tcp/
-cp: illegal argument
usage: java [-options] class

where options include:
    -help             print out this message
    -version          print out the build version
    -v -verbose       turn on verbose mode
    -debug            enable remote JAVA debugging
    -noasyncgc        don't allow asynchronous garbage collection
    -verbosegc        print a message when garbage collection occurs
    -noclassgc        disable class garbage collection
    -ss<number>       set the maximum native stack size for any thread
    -oss<number>      set the maximum Java stack size for any thread
    -ms<number>       set the initial Java heap size
    -mx<number>       set the maximum Java heap size
    -classpath <directories separated by semicolons>
                      list directories in which to look for classes
    -prof[:<file>]    output profiling data to .\ or .\<file>
    -verify           verify all classes when read in
    -verifyremote     verify classes read in over the network [default]
    -noverify         do not verify any class
    -nojit            disable JIT compiler

21) Your contact details?

Name: Matt Oglesby


Thanks for taking the trouble to fill out this form.
It helps us vastly to support you.

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