Hi Kostas,

I don't know what you mean with "blue window" but it seems that your Java 
Environment isn't setup quite well.
I think you are working with Win98 or so.
You should have an File called FLaunch.ini in your Freenet Directory.

Please Check the setting for Java and adjust the Path settings to your needs :

[Freenet Launcher]
# Javaexec should point to your Java Runtime binary (jview.exe or java.exe)


P.S. You should use the new  installer freenet_setup0.3.9.1-1.exe .

At 17:00 20.5.2001 +0000, Konstantinos Iliopoulos wrote:
>hello there,
>my name is kostas and i write to you from greece because i find 
>difficulties in installing freenet.my pc has java runtime environment but 
>when i begin the process of setup for the freenet, the blue window on the 
>top has the title "(without java)".i ignore it and i complete the 
>installation, but when i click on the desktop icon of freenet in order to 
>open it, it tells me that freenet has problems.can you help me?
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