Perks, Graham ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> I tried sticking the line:
> services.fproxy.port=8081
> into both freenet.ini and flaunch.ini with no luck.  The entry didn't
> previously exist.
> I changed the "serverAddress" in .fproxyrc from 12401 to 8083, still no
> luck.

The serverAddress in .fproxyrc should match the listenPort in .freenetrc.

In my .freenetrc I have the following (they aren't consecutive, but I'll
show them here as though they were):


The first is the port on which Freenet listens for all requests.  The
second is for FCP (Freenet Core Protocol?), which is apparently an
alternative interface used in C/C++/perl programs.  The third is where
fproxy listens for requests from web browsers.  I have no idea what
xmlrpc does.

Since I'm running Freenet on the default port of 19114, I don't have a
.fproxyrc file.

I'm using Linux, so you'll have to adjust filenames appropriately if
you're on Windows.

Greg Wooledge                  |   "Truth belongs to everybody."
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              |    - The Red Hot Chili Peppers     |

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