On Tue, 28 May 2002, Tiernan Hubble wrote:

> Is it just me, or is the watchme network not working? I realize that there 
> aren't many nodes, but every node seems to be rejecting every 
> NodeAnnouncement! I looked at some of the logs, and it seems some nodes are 
That's because there's too few nodes available at the moment for the 
announcement at the default htl(15) to succeed. For example, my node 
(nightwatch.dyn.dhs.org:13463) sees only 6 working nodes in the network, 
so any request with htl over 6 is doomed to fail. (I'm assuming here that 
all working watchme nodes can connect to each other)

> getting a response to a DataRequest. I'm getting QueryRejected to every 
> single message my node sends.
Try lowering your htl.

> Anyway, I have inserted (successfully, I think) versions of [EMAIL PROTECTED] and 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], so could people on watchme try retrieving those? 
Nope, I can't get them. I just inserted [EMAIL PROTECTED],
myself with htl of 6, and they seemed to be a success.

> Also, is there any place where people can post keys they have inserted into 
> the network, so others can retrieve them? It is difficult to use this test 
> network when there is nothing to test ;)
I can start collecting links and keep a list of them both on the watchme 
freenet network and on the 'web. I'll post an url when I have inserted the 

Mika Hirvonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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