sda ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> Greg Wooledge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 1. Install java.
> > 2. Install the Freenet jar files (freenet.jar and freenet-ext.jar).
> > 3. Get seed node references from somewhere and put them in seednodes.ref.
> > 4. Set CLASSPATH to include both of the jar files.
> > 5. Run "java freenet.node.Main --config" and answer the questions.  This
> >    creates freenet.conf in the current directory.

> I seem to have all the necessary config files, and I do have Java [Blackdown]
> installed. It is necessary to use specific freenet java files? When I run the
> freenet binary it complains that:
>       !!! No Java installation found
>       !!! Use --set-system-vm to select default system JVM
>       !!! Alternatively, use --set-user-vm to select default system JVM

What's a "freenet binary"?  What command are you typing to run it?

> Should the path to my Java Blackdown binary be set in my freenet.conf file?

No, of course not.  Freenet *reads* the config file.  You can't put
the path to the Java VM in a file that you can't read without running
a program by using the Java VM!

If you need the instructions to be more explicit, then let me change
steps 2-4 as follows:

2. mkdir /usr/local/share/freenet and then download the freenet.jar and
   freenet-ext.jar files from and put them in the
   /usr/local/share/freenet directory.

3. Get seed node references from somewhere.  Create a user named "freenet"
   and put seednodes.ref into the /home/freenet directory.

4. In ~freenet/.bash_profile (or equivalent if you use a different shell),
   put this:
   export CLASSPATH

   Then login as user freenet for the rest of the instructions.

Also make sure you are ACTUALLY FOLLOWING the directions.  Don't try to
run a "freenet binary".  Read what I wrote for step 5.

(Why, oh why, do people who've never used Unix before always try to
use Gentoo?  That is *NOT* a distro for newbies!)

Greg Wooledge                  |   "Truth belongs to everybody."
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              |    - The Red Hot Chili Peppers     |

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