Trevor Smith wrote this:

> Why did this happen: Unfortunately; there appears to be a critical timing
> within the filesystem/datastore code; if the node is shutdown at just
> the right instant the store gets corrupted bad enough that the node
> cannot be started again - if I don't wait for my node to get fully up
> before I kill it (eg oops I wanted to <something> before starting that)
> it seems to have a good chance at toasting itself; but even when the
> node is fully up; and just taking it down to adjust the config; turn on
> /off stats or otherwise; can corrupt the store as well.

Well, I just got that same error on my Linux-based node today.  I've
deleted the store_* file, but have decided not to bother recreating it,
at least for now.

Someone please post a message when the developers get this bug fixed.
('Cause dog knows the developers won't post one.)

Greg Wooledge                  |   "Truth belongs to everybody."
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              |    - The Red Hot Chili Peppers     |

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