Darren & Wanda ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> Network Error
> Couldn't retrieve key: SSK@kj9mFvMP4IROkObPHFPlapSnjj0PAgM/techgrounds// 
> Hops To Live: 15
> Error: Route not Found 

This means that your node could not establish communications with enough
other nodes to satisfy your HTL (15).  Usually it means you need to find
better seed node references.

>   Attempts were made to contact 28 nodes. 

That's a good sign -- at least you *have* some node references. :)

>       Build Number 490 

This is not the latest build, but it should work if you can get
some working node references.  Mine are at
<http://wooledge.org/~greg/seednodes.ref> -- stop your node, download
that, replace your current seednodes.ref file with mine, and restart
the node.  Give it a moment to catch its breath, then try the four
keys on the gateway page again.

(Or use someone else's seed node refs, if you have another friend with
a working node.)

Also remember to be patient.  Freenet takes some time to "learn" the
network, especially with new people joining and old ones dropping out
all the time.

[[ If you're reading this message in the mailing list archive
substantially later than the date on which it was written, please note
that I don't update my seednodes.ref link very often.  So my link
could very well be out of date by the time you read this. ]]

Greg Wooledge                  |   "Truth belongs to everybody."
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              |    - The Red Hot Chili Peppers
http://wooledge.org/~greg/     |

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