Hi Matthew,,

Please ignore any notes from me up to this date time, you guys have been
going fast and furious, what four snapshots so far today?

ummm just started what i expected to be 520 11:19 snapshot, and its come
up 519 and still no seednodes in it???
>debug SSK@U~EnjXOIJtX7lc0Qnpm~4rcwU5g/MonstertvT.mpg MonstertvT.mpg
>Don't do that :). freenet.client.cli.Main doesn't support splitfiles,
>and a freenet node will not store files larger than (just over)
>of the storeSize. And of course you need it to be stored on lots
>freenet nodes, not just yours, for it to be of any use. Default
>storeSize is now 256MB, this means you should generally not insert
>above 1MB as a single file. Fproxy has a very nice FEC (redundant)
>insertor, and so does fishtools.

yes i know i try to break things under the rule
"you cant make things foolproof cuz fools are ingenius"

The fproxy isnt hanging as much, hasnt so far today, but fishtools
sometimes has splitfile meta file problems causing retrieval problems
as well a memory buffer max memory problem that limits files to 128 meg
and under especially on XP which wnt let you increase the buffers space
for a dos program, and FCPtools doesnt have FEC.

Point being from a practical standpoint that leaves only fproxy for
FEC inserts especiall alrge ones and when it fails fcp for a non-redundant inset which 
now of course gets a bitch message from fproxy.

There's frost but thats its own ugly story, and other than fproxy
working consistently not freenet problems but 3rd party.

But there ya go.

Again from the peanut gallery appreciating your work on the project
and especially for being the practically the only developer to bother
with us sorry users on the support list, which comes under another
one of those business maxims,

"if ya want somethin done ask the busy guy".

p.s. you didnt think Ian really meant this wed did you?
scare'em first and then conceed to what you really wanted
in the first place, which would have scared'em if you didnt
scare'em worse first,,,,ya had to know today it would be the real schedule because the 
dog ate his notepad with the phone numbers or something

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