Now that 5pre is out, I'm seeing my datastore filling rapidly. 3 days ago I started 
with the default 200MB 
allocation, I had to increase that to 400MB yesterday, and today I moved the ds over 
to an unused 2GB drive on 
the box the node is on. I don't expect the "new" disk to last long given the rate 
things are going. I've been 
running a persistent node most of the time for the past two years and I've seen 
nothing like it before. 

My question concerns how I can determine if files are rotating out of my ds 
prematurely. Clearly if the 2GB drive 
fills in 8 or 10 days it means that I'm dumping files that ought to be around longer. 
On the other hand, if I 
pull an unused 40GB drive off the shelf and put that in the node it should last a 
while, but ultimately files 
will once again begin to spill off. Is there a facility in the nodestatus servlet or 
elsewhere that will tell me 
the age of files currently being dumped out of the ds? It's probably there, but I 
can't find it and it would be 
helpful to know this as a guide to deciding when to drop more diskspace on the node. I 
could OTH use ls in the 
shell to view files by age but this will have to span the (native) ds directories and 
since the node software 
must itself be sorting files by age hopefully it can let us in on this info?


"Democracies die behind closed doors."
- Judge Damon Keith 

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