Using release code, updated with today's snapshot. Sun JVM 1.4.1_01-b01, Linux kernel 2.4.10. 72MB physical memory.

The error says Java is unable to create a new native thread. It occurs in a call from I think. It may not be due to lack of RAM, as the JVM (according to the Freenet environment page) has only allocated itself 11.58MB out of a possible 128MB it is prepared to allocate, and is not using all of that. However, there are 360 threads out of which 98 are available. 259 are held by the OpenConnectionManager$ConnectionJob. Despite this the node claims to have no open connections. It is also complaining that it succeeds only 11 times in several hundred in contacting nodes my transient node can contact 50% of the time. The node has not completely stalled (yet, last time it went this way it consumed all available processes until the terminal it was attached to locked up), but cannot contact anything. maximumThreads=120 in freenet.conf.

Is this the build 523 routing bug, or something else?
Roger Hayter

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