On Wednesday 30 October 2002 20:45 pm, Reed Hedges wrote:
> Hi, Is FCP Tools current, and if so, is there anonymous CVS (read)
> access?

In CVS there are two branches: HEAD and FCP_0_4_7.  Download the 
FCP_0_4_7 branch (anon/read is allowed) for the current 
'stable' release.  If you prefer, try the tarball at:


Unstable is currently under active development (incremental commits) 
and isn't guaranteed to do much of anything for the time being.

> I want to add freenet support to typechain, a library I wrote for VOS
> to automatically decode data or to fetch data from a URL. Since
> typechain is written in C++, I need (or strongly desire) a C or C++
> library that I can use...

ezFCPlib is the library you may want.  But it is functionally broken in 
the 'stable' tree.  There will be many improvements to come with the 
release currently being worked on; until then...

Jay Oliveri                                  "In the land of the blind,
GnuPG ID: 0x5AA5DD54                          the one-eyed man is king."
Maintainer for FCPTools

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