On Tue, Nov 05, 2002 at 06:32:07AM -0500, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> FYI, this person has been sending several Freenet support messages
> to me.
> ----- Forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] -----
> Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2002 20:18:19 -0500
> Subject: Ignore my last message.
> Content-Disposition: inline
> User-Agent: Mutt/1.4i
> Just a note, I'm going to stop emailing you after this for a while until 
> you reply since I'd sure hate to get you hating me for emailing you so 
> much all at once.
> Anyway, I just noticed freenet figures out the loadaverage NOT by the 
> operating system, but by the amount of threads in use vs threads not in 
> use. This means settings greater than 1 are useless, for obvious 
Well, we don't think they are completely _useless_. But java does not
provide us with anything useful like CPU usage, so we have to make do.
> reasons. This also means that the configuration setting is misleading, 
> confusing, and basically useless for a real world config. We (I most 
> certaintly at least) cannot rely on a setting that doesn't actually do 
> anything useful. I believe currently the only real way to reduce the 
> amount of cpu used in a REAL way is to actually lower the amount of 
> threads and the amount of connections to other servers that can be used.
Nodes have often run with many connections without hogging the whole CPU 
or the whole network connection. Connections really aren't that
expensive. The threads are mostly idle, likewise, since most of them are
used for blocking comms. We could rewrite fred to use nonblocking I/O,
and we may eventually, but it would be an enormous amount of work and
have portability-to-free-JVMs issues (although the current code has
those too).
> Please forward this to the list if you don't mind, and tell them to 
> privately reply.
> Tim McGrath
> ----- End forwarded message -----
> My understanding is that he's correct, in that Java does not actually
> use the "load average" figure of the (Unix) host environment.
> Remember that Java is a "portable" (*cough*) language, so it can't
> use anything Unix-specific, like load averages, that don't appear
> in Windows (or VMS or wristwatches or whatever).
> I guess the real question is why he expected anything different. ;-)
> -- 
> Greg Wooledge                  |   "Truth belongs to everybody."
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]              |    - The Red Hot Chili Peppers
> http://wooledge.org/~greg/     |

Matthew Toseland
Freenet/Coldstore open source hacker.
Employed full time by Freenet Project Inc. from 11/9/02 to 11/11/02.

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