I want to become a new member of the freenet mainly because I want to help ensuring the freedom.
I have 2 problems/questions(one technical and one ethical):
I can give to freenet up to 5 GB of hard space. But I don't have enough bandwith to share and I NEED my bandwith. I have a non-stop internet connection with the speed/bandwith ranging from 0 to 8KB/sec , usualy is somewhere betwen 4 and 5 KBytes/sec (a 128Kbits/sec cable connection shared with other 8 people).
Also, my system is online only 22Hours every day so about 2 hours it will not be online.
I am also afraid that using a permanent node freenet will "eat" all my bandwith and I will not have enough bandwith left for other aplications/activities (like downloads)...
Can I limit the maximum bandwith for freenet? (for example give it a maximum of 2Kbytes/sec) (I use windows xp).
What should I do? Use a permanent or a temporary node?
Like I said before, I promote freedom, but activities like child pornography and terorism DESTROY freedom...
I informed some organizations against child abusing and/or terorism about the freenet project but I don't think they can do anything because since 2000 when the freenet begun to work they would done something if they could.
I don't want to put my computer in the hands of terorists and pedophiles...
I tryed freenet and I saw links on the main index page (the index page that has a link in the gateway) and in there i found links to freenet sites that promote child pornography and terorist activities. If freenet developers put a link on the gateway to material that is AGAINST freedom, then on which side are they?
I ask freenet developers to remove those links and, even if they cant stop such things unleast TRY to fight against it. You cant stop terorists and pedophiles to acces freenet but you can make their life harder by not ofering links to their sites and donating a procent from the donations that go to the freenet project to some non-profit organizations that fight against such things. Also, maybe you cand find a techincall solution to prevent them using this network.
What do the freenet developers do against such illegal activities?
I have a posible solution: let every member see what is stored in his node and let him delete everything that he doesn't like. This will not harm freenet, will not harm anonymity and freedom of speech, will only make some informations travel harder on the internet. This way you ill have 3 categories of nodes: permanent nodes, temporary nodes and permanent nodes that are almost like permanents nodes but by alowing users to "clean" some informations will hrlp "clean" freenet. You might say what if users clean the Z informations which is not ilegal and I want to promot the Z ideas..well that Z informations will still be stored in your node and in the nodes of other people that also like the Z ideas so freedom of speech ill not be harmed, only that some informations will travele fasters and some slower and the speed of traveling of this informations will be decided democratically by the users of freenet.
If you are against illegal activities I think that you will make this change on freenet. If not, then it means that you promote illegal activities like pedophilia and terorism...

I hope that freenet will become what it is intened to be ( a "free software designed to ensure true freedom of communication over the Internet") and I hope that my participations in this network will help you achieve this goal and stop pedophiles and terorists and other crimes to take place in the shadow of freenet.


PS: Please escuse my bad English....
PS(2): Please don't forget to answer my first question....:)

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