> > > For the first time today I discovered the right-click Menu on the View
> > > Freenetlog.  I'm well trained.  I don't expect a menu on a grayed
> window!
> >
> > huh?
> Up until this event (above) the only way I could get anything from the
> window for freenet.log was to mark it, then use ctrl-c and then use ctrl-v
> to put the marked material somewhere useful.

But if you wanted to *get* information from the logfile, you wouldn't use
"tail -f ..." would you?  You'd actually get sections from the logfile
itself.  So why should the windows viewer be any different?  (excepting that
the Copy To Clipboard currently doesn't work)

>  That View window does not
> have a white client window-field implying in the Windows world that it was
> likely a unmarkable window, thus unable to extract material from it

Dude, *WHAT PLANET ARE YOU ON* ?!  Most grey text windows are markable!

> -- like
> Microsoft is so helpful about in all it's message windows, so you will be
> much frustrated in trying to report "error message" content -- frustrated
> because most of us are not perfect typists and usually include at least
> or two incorrect characters and a missed or added word or two.

Right which is why I included the 'mark' functionality just in case anybody
wanted it.  I never claimed it would be perfect but it's totally consistent
with microsoft.  Non-white client windows imply UN-EDITABLE, not

>The button
> at the bottom has always seemed to imply that one can copy out some
> material from that View window for the freenet.log file.  No such luck

Because I never wrote the code to do it ...

> unless one discovers that there is a unimplied right-click window-menu
> allows some options that are the method for marking so that the button
> actually has something accessible for it to paste somewhere.

That popup menu is *ALWAYS THERE ON EVERY TEXT WINDOW*.  You actually ever
used Windows before?!

>  There is
> nothing on/in the clip board unless one uses this right-click pop-window
> menu.

Hm, so if you don't select "Copy" then nothing appears in the clipboard.
Why are you surprised?

> Other methods can mark in the client field of the window (usually a
> no-no, i.e.,  no-action, but grayed windows, even when they have one or
> both scroll bars commonly do not permit marking.

"Commonly" in what sense?  Dude, pick ANY file on your harddrive, right
click it, select Properties, and look at EVERYTHING you can mark...  on the
grey property page...

>  Here you can mark, but
> the marker material is not transferred to the clipboard so the clip board
> does not know about it.

Marking something in windows **NEVER** automatically copies to clipboard.
You must be on crack.

> This is the kind of things that mass distributions
> of software frequently find as "unconvential" application of abilities
> when the public user has no idea how the software works.  That view window
> into the freenet.log file has been one of my greatest frustrations.

Don't f**king use it then.  It's not really very unconventional at all.  It
works almost exactly like "tail -f" but in a Window.  It has the added bonus
of infinite scrollback.  And the button marked "Copy To Clipboard" does not
work because it hasn't been implemented.

> The next was having nothing appearing useful in the log file until in
> reached a few megs and then trying to extract the last two dozen lines to
> send to someone who can read log files and having the results disappear
> without being read, OR sending the entire log file and having it discarded
> by the mail system.  Then a message, could you send it again?

Jesus, if you want to extract a whole bunch of lines from the end of the
logfile, say any logfile, say ANY FILE, you pick an editor, load the file,
mark off the last few lines, delete the rest of the file, and paste THAT
into your email.  You don't copy and paste manually from a shell prompt
running tail -f, you don't email the entire file.  How come you find it so


bad mood, sorry.  forced to go study for exams, thought that shit was long
behind me

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