I've limited the amount of connections my node can make to 50.  I don't know 
how this effects the network, how it effects my node's ability find files or 
anything, all I know is this keeps freenet from eating all of my system's 
resources.  Please tell me if their is a better way.

Anyway, something I found interesting was:

$  netstat | grep -c tcp

The vast majority of these connections HAVE to be related to freenet.  I only 
run a couple of other services that access the net on this box.  the "open 
connections" page shows that there are fifty connections, but netstat gives 
something different entirely.  why is that?  I could stop freenet to see how 
this figure changes, but I'm sure that i wouldn't drop anywhere near 370 

question number 2:

"netstat | grep tcp" shows a grip of connections that don't use the port that 
I designated for incoming connections.  The port numbers seem almost 
completely random.  I assume that these are OUTGOING connections, and this is 
normal, but I just wanted to be sure.

question number 3:

when I update my seed refs from the website, where do these refs come from?  
from someone's node?

question number 5:

As my node "learns" more about the network, it "meets" a lot of other nodes.  
Does Fred automatically change seednodes.ref as time goes by?  do I need to 
manually save all of these new refs?  How can I do this?

question number 6:

I'm pretty new to freenet, and I really haven't been able to use it to 
retrieve very much yet. I get the impression that until recently, the network 
ran a lot smoother than it is now.  one of the posts here seemed to say that 
If i ran freenet w/o the NG routing, things would run a little smoother.  is 
this true?  Is NGR really working?  is there any evidence that it actually 
speeds things up yet?

I know that's a lot of question, thanks for taking the time.


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