
after some switching of different JREs (now back to 1.4.2_03 from Sun)
and resetting the whole freenet.ini to default values by installing a
second fresh fred and comparing the settings manually (there were many
differences, but I didn't tweak the settings in the past, maybe due the
old ini beeing created many months ago from an now ancient node version).
I finally got the node running well for about 12 hours (still having the
errors mentioned earlier here in the Log). But now the node doesn't stall
out of nowhere, instead it runs out of memory after 12 hours and stalls.
So is there any setting that I can change to reduce memory usage of the
node. It has a max memory of 128MB to use, this is the default so I think
it has to work with it. I'm already running the Y-threads with an absolut
maximum of 200 threads, but this doesn't help.

Upping the max memory for the node is NOT an option, unless a nice guy
gives me the money to buy more ram ;-).

Besides: Is there really some form of routing going on? To me it seems
like the nodes are simply hammering every other node they know with
request till they get the data. This is the only way I can explain why
my node is getting ~85000 QPH (they are still raising, I expect them to
be beyond 100000 QPH in the next 2 days) while it can only serve around
8000 QPH.

Greets someone

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