Freenet stable build 5069 is now available. The snapshots will have been
updated sometime in the next few minutes; if you don't get 5069, try
again in an hour's time. If it's still 5068, complain to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  You can get it via the script on
Linux, BSD, or OS/X, or use the freenet-webinstall.exe utility to update 
on Windows, or get the jar from . All stable
branch users should upgrade.

A large number of bugfixes, some of them major, and a number of larger
changes, are present in this build. Details:
* Fixed a major bug in stats that was causing us to dramatically 
  underestimate our used bandwidth resulting in effectively no controls on
  the number of trailers transferring, resulting in too many requests
  accepted, too many parallel transfers, and most of them running really
  slowly and eventually failing.
* Fixed another major bug that resulted in one request for a reasonably
  available file causing a large number of transfers; certain send
  failure modes were not being handled properly, with the result that we
  continued to receive the file (thus allowing it to propagate through
  the network), but forgetting about it so that when it does complete,
  it does not get committed, and moving on to request the file from
  another node, so we end up transferring many copies, most of which end
  up in the temp dir and never leave it; this bug wasted a lot of
  bandwidth and also disk space.
* Implemented new rate limiting algorithm. Joint effort by me and ian.
  Should be much better behaved than the old one, involves less
  "alchemy". Each node we are connected to is sent a different minimum
  request interval, depending on how many requests it makes, but all
  have a reasonably fair quota, which will increase quickly if needed.
  This data is included on the Open Connections page at max detail.
* Lots of improvements and bugfixes to the rate limiting system: all FNP
  messages now carry the request interval, and we can read it from
  IdentifyPacketMessage's (although we don't write it yet). The code to
  detect nodes violating the minimum request intervals has been
  significantly improved, and we now have a message so that nodes can
  tell other nodes that they have violated their quota, with some
  debugging info. However this is not necessarily all wrapped up yet.
  When it is, we will implement some enforcement mechanisms such as
  banning nodes which persistently violate the request intervals.
* Many minor optimizations and fixes.
* Opera (the browser) users who have read and acted on the warning, i.e.
  configured opera to respect MIME types, can now set
  mainport.params.servlet.1.params.dontWarnOperaUsers=true to get rid of
  the warning page.
Matthew J Toseland - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Freenet Project Official Codemonkey -
ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.

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