On Mon, Jan 26, 2004 at 06:32:36AM -0600, Conrad J. Sabatier wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 24, 2004 at 11:21:14PM -0800, Steven wrote:
> > since multiplexing has been ported to the stable branch of freenet, we can 
> > have a MUCH lower maxConnection setting right?  I used allow 300, now I only 
> > allow 20.  Is this a bad idea?  
> 20 connections max is quite low.  You have to allow a certain number of 
> connections for the nodes in your routing table, for one thing.  It's a 
> wonder your node even runs at all.
> Try setting it to something more reasonable, like, say, 128 or 256.  You'll
> most likely never hit that number with multiplexing, but it's good to allow
> the node some breathing room.
> > I've had a lot of traffic on my node, and everything seems to be working fine 
> > (although connecting initially took forever) according to the numbers, but i 
> > can't retrieve much.  
> >From what I'm reading lately, it seems that content accessibility is 
> actually better these days with unstable.  :-)
> Although, I just noticed someone inserted a new version of their site
> ([EMAIL PROTECTED]/Jukebox/6// "The Jukebox of DJ Free")
> with a bunch of activelinks added at the bottom that I haven't been able to
> retrieve in a very long time.  So I'm thinking maybe certain content is only
> reachable in one or the other.

They are separate networks. Some people, such as the author of TFHI,
insert content on both networks at once. But for other stuff, the only
way it propagates from one to another is people switching branches and
taking their stores with them.
> -- 
> Conrad Sabatier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - "In Unix veritas"
Matthew J Toseland - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Freenet Project Official Codemonkey - http://freenetproject.org/
ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.

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