On Wed, Mar 10, 2004 at 12:19:21PM +0100, Ruben Garcia wrote:
> In connection with what Ian said about the hierarchy of classes of 
> freenet nodes (those in seednodes.ref
> and the ones in these nodes routing tables, etc)
> I think seednodes.ref should not be overwritten unless there is a 
> network reset.
> After some days uptime, the routing table adjusts to some differnent not 
> so overloaded nodes and the response of freenet is better.
> But on an update, this info is lost.
> I'm going to remove the download of seednodes.ref from my update.sh, 
> might be a good idea to do it in the original script, and have another 
> script for the case of a network reset.
> Anyway, the releases indicate whether a network reset is needed.

That's why we have the line:
touch -t "197001011200" seednodes.ref || touch -d "1/1/1970" seednodes.ref
# so we don't reseed unless necessary

The routing table will not be overwritten unless either:
a) The seednodes.ref is more recent than the routing table OR
b) The routing table is trashed, for example because all the nodes in it
are incompatible with the current code after a network reset.
Matthew J Toseland - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Freenet Project Official Codemonkey - http://freenetproject.org/
ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.

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