For the last few days, I've been perplexed as to why I was still seeing the
previous day's version of DFI after the rollover time (6:00 pm), even after a
successful insert (inserts, by the way, are working very, very well with 60061,
very fast).

It finally occurred to me that it must be due to the Daylight Savings Time
change last weekend.  Now, after 7:00 pm CDT, the new version finally appears.

Am I correct in this brilliant deduction?  :-)  I was going crazy re-inserting,
clearing my browser cache, restarting the node, restarting the browser, etc.,
until it finally dawned on me that this must be the cause.

I hate Daylight Savings Time!  :-)

Conrad Sabatier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - "In Unix veritas"

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