On Wednesday 14 April 2004 21:50, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I have installed Freenet version (14th Mar 2004)  = build 5076 on
> Windows XP.
> I have a DSL connection with a static ip address, and no hardware
> firewall or NAT.
> I do use a software firewall (although I have disabled it to discount the
> software firewall from my problems)
> I have configured Freenet so that the node address is my static ip
> address, and I have imported new node references.
> The hosts allowed access are still the default,localhost and
> the FProxy port is still the default 8888.
> Freenet seems to start OK (I can see the blue rabbit with "Freenet is
> running" in the systray), and I can see a lot of outbound TCP traffic for
> javaw.exe.
> However, whenever I point a browser to the browser
> continuously tries to return something but even after an hour - nothing
> is displayed (tried in both Mozilla and IE) although the address now
> reads

The change of URL means that fproxy is running.

> All those entries marked NORMAL seems to be a good thing, but then the
> ERRORs start...
> pr 15, 2004 2:13:56 AM (freenet.support.io.NIOOutputStream, YThread-12,
> ERROR): NIOOS.write(byte[],int,int) timed out.tcp/connection:
> 7199>,[EMAIL PROTECTED] closing
> Apr 15, 2004 2:13:56 AM (freenet.support.io.NIOOutputStream, YThread-1,
> ERROR): NIOOS.write(byte[],int,int) timed out.tcp/connection:
> 7208>,[EMAIL PROTECTED] closing
> Apr 15, 2004 2:13:57 AM (freenet.support.io.NIOOutputStream, YThread-13,
> ERROR): NIOOS.write(byte[],int,int) timed out.tcp/connection:
> 7195>,[EMAIL PROTECTED] closing
> Apr 15, 2004 2:13:57 AM (freenet.node.Main$InsertARK, YThread-36,
> NORMAL): RouteNotFound Inserting ARK
> Apr 15, 2004 2:13:57 AM (freenet.support.io.NIOOutputStream, YThread-21,
> ERROR): NIOOS.write(byte[],int,int) timed out.tcp/connection:
> 7216>,[EMAIL PROTECTED] closing
> Apr 15, 2004 2:14:01 AM (freenet.support.io.NIOInputStream, YThread-56,
> NORMAL): waited more than 5 minutes in NIOIS.read() tcp/connection:
> 7257>,[EMAIL PROTECTED]:freenet.su
> java.lang.Exception: debug
>       at freenet.support.io.NIOInputStream.read(NIOInputStream.java:293)
>       at java.io.FilterInputStream.read(Unknown Source)
>       at freenet.session.FnpLink.negotiateOutbound(FnpLink.java:750)
>       at freenet.session.FnpLink.solicit(FnpLink.java:240)
>       at freenet.session.FnpLinkManager.createOutgoing(FnpLinkManager.java:109)
>       at
> freenet.OpenConnectionManager$ConnectionJob.run(OpenConnectionManager.java:
>814) at
> freenet.OpenConnectionManager.createConnection(OpenConnectionManager.java:4
>20) at freenet.node.ConnectionOpener.checkpoint(ConnectionOpener.java:215)
> at
> freenet.node.states.maintenance.Checkpoint.checkpoint(Checkpoint.java:54)
> at freenet.node.states.maintenance.Checkpoint.received(Checkpoint.java:47)
> at freenet.node.StateChain.received(StateChain.java:177)
>       at freenet.node.StateChain.received(StateChain.java:61)
>       at
> freenet.node.StateChainManagingMessageHandler$ChainContainer.run(StateChain
>ManagingMessageHandler.java:332) at
> freenet.node.StateChainManagingMessageHandler$ChainContainer.received(State
>ChainManagingMessageHandler.java:285) at
> freenet.node.StateChainManagingMessageHandler$ChainContainer.access$100(Sta
>teChainManagingMessageHandler.java:204) at
> freenet.node.StateChainManagingMessageHandler.handle(StateChainManagingMess
>ageHandler.java:96) at freenet.Ticker$Event.run(Ticker.java:322)
>       at freenet.thread.YThreadFactory$YThread.run(YThreadFactory.java:250)
> can anyone help

This sounds like inbound packets can't get in, which may be a result of 
improperly shutting down the firewall. From another computer, try "telnet 
<your IP address> <your Freenet port>". You should get a connection, though 
when you try to say something it will hang up on you. Also try running 
tcpdump or ethereal on the connection, and see if any traffic is getting in. 
If the box you're running Freenet on doesn't have these programs, find one 
that does and connect it to your network. If the IP address is externally 
visible, you'll have to set the other box to a martian address; I haven't 
tried sniffing martians.


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