We US "citizens"/"civilians" are so much asleep that the Patriot Acts I and II and Homeland Security are just about to soundly eradicate nearly all of our freedoms. Before you go fucking the Brits, or anyone else for that matter, you may want to consider removing your penis from your own anal pore and start alerting your local representatives and police to the fact that theirs may well be jammed up their own as well. This country is one step away from martial law, buddy.

Watch out for that red alert!


Fuck the brits, free speach is what you make of it. Europe doesn't
know what free speach is. In my opinion, this idea will be forced upon the
europeans by time.

I think you're wrong, but then what do I know, I'm a stupid brit apparently. If anything, speech is more free in Europe than in America, but that said I still take offence at your blanket fuckage of brits and europeans. _______________________________________________ Support mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://news.gmane.org/gmane.network.freenet.support Unsubscribe at http://dodo.freenetproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/support Or mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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