Since upgrading to 5085 (and 5086), Freenet is using up a huge amount of processor time, to the point where the web interface no longer even responds. This doesn't happen every start, but once it occurs, freenet has to be killed and restarted. It sometimes happens when first started, sometimes after running for a while.

The machine is running Win XP, with a 3.2Ghz P4 with HT, and 1GB of RAM. Both processor threads are pegged at full utilization, and freenet is holding steady at about 150MB of RAM used.

Any help would be appreciated.

Uptime:   0 days,   1 hour,   51 minutes
Current routingTime: 0ms.
Pooled threads running jobs: 272     (54.4%)   [Rejecting incoming connections and requests!]
Pooled threads which are idle: 10
It's normal for the node to sometimes reject connections or requests for a limited period. If you're seeing rejections continuously the node is overloaded or something is wrong (i.e. a bug). Current estimated load for rate limiting: 452.2%.
Load due to thread limit = 54.4%
Load due to routingTime = 10% = 100ms / 1000ms <= overloadLow (80%)
Load due to messageSendTimeRequest = 452.2% = 4522ms / 1000ms > overloadLow (80%)
Load due to output bandwidth limiting = 14.6% because outputBytes(215153) <= limit (1474560 ) = outLimitCutoff (2) * outputBandwidthLimit (12288) * 60
Load due to expected inbound transfers: 2.4% because: 404.76961565213924 req/hr * 0.030716723549488085 (pTransfer) * 377327.0 bytes = 4691380 bytes/hr expected from current requests, but maxInputBytes/minute = 2949120 (output limit assumed smaller than input capacity) * 60 * 1.1 = 194641920 bytes/hr target
Current estimated load for QueryRejecting: 55.4%.
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