On Tue, Dec 07, 2004 at 02:53:51PM +0100, Newsbyte wrote:
> "I've noticed the Freenethelp.org wiki site is VERY slow and would like
> to help improve it's speed. Can you put me in touch with who is
> responsible for maintaining the site? I work for an ISP, as well as
> willing to donate hardware or money to help the site. I feel the
> freenethelp.org site is critical for new users to adopt and use freenet."
> Well, that would be me, actually. Glad *somebody* seems to appreciate it.
> I'm planning to update the wiki-engine as soon as a new version comes out,
> which might speed things up a bit. It should be noted however, that it's
> running on an old machine, and it has to share a line with others. And,
> these last days things have gone much slower since I am running a freenet
> node as well (non-stop) due to my having to prove to some devls that I
> wasn't exagerating about Freenet and the bad shape it's in. Obviously, I
> can't continue indefinately with it; even my browsing has slowed down
> (another thing why the current freenet can't be considered working well,
> IMHO).

It shouldn't slow your browsing down much if correctly configured i.e.
if the output limit is appropriate for your connection and what else you
want to run on it. It may slow down your gaming and other CPU/memory heavy
tasks, but that's another matter.
> AND, it gets the occasional DOS attack too. :-)

> I would refer to the freenetproject.org mailaddy, but that has been
> terminated, for rather dubious reasons. I guess you'll have to contact me at
> freenethelp.org, now. I have no official policy in regards to financial or
> hardware aid, because untill now I didn't consider anyone would want to help
> out in that regard. Toad offered some RAM, though, originally meant for a
> testnetwork node, but since that is put back in the freezer I'm using it for
> the wiki. For the rest I put everything in it of my own pocket and time. It
> still doesn't seem to outweigh saying something critical of Freenet, though.
> Feel free to contact me.
Matthew J Toseland - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Freenet Project Official Codemonkey - http://freenetproject.org/
ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.

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