
I consider running my own node and have the following Questions:
(By the way, you really should put some examples about bandwith, traffic and so 
on in the faq-section!)

Iīve DSL with a variable IP that changes every 24 hours. My upstream bandwith 
is 20 (perhaps soon 40) kByte/s.
Can I run a node under these circumstances that is usefull to the 
Is there more upstream- or downstream-traffic?

Is there any difference between these possibillities:
a, I run my node 24 hours when I run it, but not every day.
b, I run my node all the time, but it has to reconnect every 24 hours and gets 
a new IP address every time.
c, I run my node a few hours every day, e.g. every night from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m.

I would by a seperate PC as a server that doesnīt need too much energy. Would a 
Via CPU 1Ghz be enough? Or a old pentium 3 700Mhz? How much RAM do I need for 
20 (40) kb/s?

What traffic have I to expect or what bandwith is indeed used all the time of 
my 20 (40) kb/s?

How much HD space do I need? (When a DSL-flat for my node is costing 400$ a 
year, I donīt want to destroy the performance of my node by having too few HD 

Do you know if its possible to install the software on gentoo-linux?
(That is only theoretecal, Iīm still a absuolute newbie cocerning linux!!!)

7.Have you any experience in running a node on a rootserver? What CPU and RAM 
would I need to serve a bandwith of 2Mbit (up and down) ?

8. Are there any mechanisms included in freenet that prefer the distribution of 
small files like text? Otherwise, freenet could be "kept small" easily just by 
transfering some huge files which need a lot of traffic.
In other words: I don't want that there are a few people who share there movies 
and that makes the biggest part of my traffic and slows freenet down.

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