danilo salieri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi there again and thanks to Martin for support.
> Problem update: after all I got all my files in a mess and I decided to 
> uninstall and run everything from the very start (sigh!) but after a few 
> days AGAIN I ran into the same problem: Freenet application is not able to 
> boot, and this time the logfile is:
> freenet.fs.dir.DirectoryException: Clock skew detected, datastore file 
> 'store\95\1-b38bb037f52115373113cee29711652f7a7b41260f0203' has a last 
> modified time which is 868288 seconds into the future
> at freenet.fs.dir.NativeFSDirectory.verifyList(NativeFSDirectory.java:1950)
> at freenet.fs.dir.NativeFSDirectory.<init>(NativeFSDirectory.java:908)
> at freenet.node.Main.main(Main.java:611)
> I tried to do what Martin said lat time but nothing happens. This time I 
> absolutely don't know what it comes from, any hint would be great (I don't 
> want to restart everything again!!) along with some  explication (a bit into 
> technical would be ok), I'm getting kind of angry (with myself oc :'( ). 
> Many thanks!

Somehow the timestamps on one or more files on your datastore have gone screwy,
or your clock has gone back in time a lot, such that they appear to freenet to
exist about 10 days in the future. Freenet cares about file timestamps, for some
reason :) The Node Reference Status page displays stats on file access times,
but I would hope there is a more important reason to do with datastore
specialisation or something given that this is a fatal error. Devs?

Is your clock right? On XP it probably is, more or less, because the default
install runs an NTP service (Network Time Protocol) that synchronises with a
microsoft server once a week. Maybe you turned it off though. This seems
unlikely to be the problem for such a case of apparent large sudden change, but
it's good practice to help avoid it.
Also it's a good idea to make it use a more geographically local time server for
better accuracy. See the XP instructions at :
Use a server from here that is in the "IT" ISO domain (well assuming you really
are in Italy and not just posting from an .it :)

You should be able to fix the file timestamp by renaming it to something else,
then renaming back to its original name. I *think* the following should work ...

- Open command prompt
- cd "c:\Program Files\Freenet" (or wherever you installed it)
- rename store\95\1-b38bb037f52115373113cee29711652f7a7b41260f0203 tmp
- rename store\95\tmp 1-b38bb037f52115373113cee29711652f7a7b41260f0203

This will change the last modified date to the present and freenet should now be
able to start. Unless there are many files like this :/  On *nix you could do a
recursive touch on the whole store but AFAIK windows has no such functionality
built in.

Hope that helps,

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