Apparently it started working during last night, so it might have just been a coincidence. Thanks anyway.

2006/2/27, Lars Holmqvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >:
Hello, I have set up Freenet on a winXP computer.

Here is the problem. Everything seams to be working but the bookmark images wont load nor the links. Under "Current downloads" I get transfer errors; "RouteNotFound, reason: No route found" and "Data Not found"
I got inbound and outbound connection according to my firewall. (I have even change from windows firewall to an other)
I have got a dyndns account (have a dynamic ip) and check the dns from other computers.
I have enter in the config file the dns name under "ipAddress=" and taken away the %
I have noted the "listenPort=" and counfiguerd the firewall to accept those inbound connection.
I have set outbound limit to 50kb (I have 100kb).
I have set inbound limit to 0 (hae about 1.6Mb)
I have set store size to 40GB
I have waited 10 hourse for it to seatle in.
I have tested freenet on another computer on my internetconnections and that works, so it is not my isp.

Below are some logging I have copy and pasted.

Just ask if there is anything more I need to tell,
realy realy a big thanks for listening and maybe give me some advice on what to do,
Lars Holmqvist

***** LOG FILE *****

2001-jan-22 20:49:19 (freenet.node.Main, main): Starting Freenet (Fred) 0.5 node, build #5106 on JVM Sun Microsystems Inc.:Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM: 1.5.0_06-b05
os.arch = x86
Loading native...
Attempting to load freenet/support/CPUInformation/jcpuid-x86-windows.dll
Written to C:\DOCUME~1\KE5B74~1\LOKALA~1\Temp\jcpuid6719lib.tmp: 40960
INFO: Native CPUID library 'freenet/support/CPUInformation/jcpuid- x86-windows.dll' loaded from resource
INFO: Optimized native BigInteger library 'net/i2p/util/jbigi-windows-pentium4.dll' loaded from resource
2001-jan-22 20:49:20 (freenet.node.Main, main): loading node keys: node
2001-jan-22 20:49:20 (freenet.node.Main, main): Read node file
2001-jan-22 20:49:20 (freenet.node.Main, main): starting filesystem
2001-jan-22 20:49:21 (freenet.node.Main, main): loading data store
2001-jan-22 20:49:21 ( freenet.node.Main, main): loading routing table
2001-jan-22 20:49:21 (freenet.node.Main, main): From output: 200704.0
2001-jan-22 20:49:21 (freenet.node.Main, main): Setting default initTransferRate to 200704.0
2001-jan-22 20:49:27 ( freenet.node.Main, main): Created new NGRT
2001-jan-22 20:49:27 (freenet.node.Main, main): Loaded stats
2001-jan-22 20:49:27 (freenet.node.Main, main): loading temp bucket factory
2001-jan-22 20:49:27 (freenet.node.Main , main): loaded temp bucket factory
2001-jan-22 20:49:27 (freenet.node.Main, main): Loaded bucket factory
2001-jan-22 20:49:46 (freenet.node.Main, main): Skipped reference - truncated:

2001-jan-22 20:49:47 ( freenet.node.Main, main): seeded routing table
2001-jan-22 20:49:55 (freenet.node.Main, main): starting node
2001-jan-22 20:49:55 (freenet.node.Main, main): loading service: mainport
2001-jan-22 20:49:55 (freenet.node.Main , main): loading service: distribution
2001-jan-22 20:49:55 (freenet.interfaces.servlet.SingleHttpServletContainer, main): Loading the single servlet distribution.params.servlet
2001-jan-22 20:49:55 (freenet.node.Node , main): Starting ticker..
2001-jan-22 20:49:55 (freenet.node.Node, main): Starting interfaces..
2001-jan-22 20:49:55 (freenet.node.http.BookmarkManagerServlet, main): Bookmarks updated on request
2001-jan-22 20:49:56 ( freenet.node.Node, main): starting ListenSelector..
2001-jan-22 20:50:27 (, YThread-14): waited more than 30000ms in tcp/connection: 4086>,[EMAIL PROTECTED]:[EMAIL PROTECTED] closing
java.lang.Exception: debug
    at Source)
    at freenet.session.FnpLink.negotiateOutbound(
    at freenet.session.FnpLink.solicit(
    at freenet.session.FnpLinkManager.createOutgoing (
    at freenet.ConnectionJob.createConnection(
    at freenet.node.ConnectionOpener.checkpoint( :95)
    at freenet.node.states.maintenance.Checkpoint.checkpoint(
    at freenet.node.states.maintenance.Checkpoint.received(
    at freenet.node.StateChain.received( :177)
    at freenet.node.StateChain.received(
    at freenet.node.StateChainManagingMessageHandler$
    at freenet.node.StateChainManagingMessageHandler$ChainContainer.received (
    at freenet.node.StateChainManagingMessageHandler$ChainContainer.access$100(
    at freenet.node.StateChainManagingMessageHandler.handle (
    at freenet.Ticker$
    at freenet.thread.YThreadFactory$
2001-jan-22 20:50:27 ( , YThread-45): waited more than 30000ms in tcp/connection: 4116>,[EMAIL PROTECTED] :[EMAIL PROTECTED] - closing
java.lang.Exception: debug
    at Source)
    at freenet.session.FnpLink.negotiateOutbound (
    at freenet.session.FnpLink.solicit(
    at freenet.session.FnpLinkManager.createOutgoing(
    at freenet.ConnectionJob.createConnection(
    at freenet.node.ConnectionOpener.checkpoint(
    at freenet.node.states.maintenance.Checkpoint.checkpoint( :54)
    at freenet.node.states.maintenance.Checkpoint.received(
    at freenet.node.StateChain.received(
    at freenet.node.StateChain.received(
    at freenet.node.StateChainManagingMessageHandler$
    at freenet.node.StateChainManagingMessageHandler$ChainContainer.received( :288)
    at freenet.node.StateChainManagingMessageHandler$ChainContainer.access$100(
    at freenet.node.StateChainManagingMessageHandler.handle( :99)
    at freenet.Ticker$
    at freenet.thread.YThreadFactory$

**java.lang.Exception: debug** is thrown about 10 times more.

***** GENERAL INFO IN WEBBROWSER ***** I've have just restared it to test some configs
Node Version    0.5   
Protocol Version    STABLE-1.51   
Build Number    5106   
CVS Revision   
      32 minutes       
Current routingTime    0ms   
Current messageSendTimeRequest    468ms   
Pooled threads running jobs    51 (42,5%)   
Pooled threads which are idle    11   
Current upstream bandwidth usage    52592 bytes/second (104,8%)   
Current estimated load for QueryReject purposes    42%   
Current estimated load for rate limiting    131%   
Reason for load:    Load due to thread limit = 42,5%
Load due to routingTime = 10% = 100ms / 1000ms <= overloadLow (100%)
Load due to messageSendTimeRequest = 93,7% = 468ms / 500ms <= overloadLow (100%)
Load due to output bandwidth limiting = 131% because outputBytes(3155520) > limit (2408448,036 ) = outLimitCutoff (0,8) * outputBandwidthLimit (50176) * 60
Load due to expected inbound transfers: 7,2% because: 69449.85880836949 req/hr * 0.0027404021250000024 (pTransfer) * 302575.0 bytes = 57586237 bytes/hr expected from current requests, but maxInputBytes/minute = 12042240 (output limit assumed smaller than input capacity) * 60 * 1.1 = 794787840 bytes/hr target
Load due to expected outbound transfers: 116,2% because: 44141.808126250624 req/hr * 0.011(989 0s, 11 1s, 1000 total) (pTransfer) * 302575.0 bytes = 146918283 bytes/hr expected from current requests, but maxOutputBytes/minute = 2107392 * 60 = 126443520 bytes/hr target   
Estimated external pSearchFailed (based only on QueryRejections due to load):    0.0   
Current estimated requests per hour:    43777.09455474244   
Current global quota (requests per hour):    41286.220628604366    
Current global quota limit from bandwidth (requests per hour):    54271.62311372838   
Highest seen bytes downloaded in one minute:    3488403   
Current outgoing request rate    69449.85880836949   
Current probability of a request succeeding by routing    0,4%   
Current probability of an inbound request causing a transfer outwards    1,1%   
Current target (best case single node) probability of a request succeeding    2,9%

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