i dont know who may get this? non the less this service is totaly ridiculous, IT DOES NOT WORK!  FIRST WHEN I HAD IT, I TRIED FOR OVER A WEEK. I COULD NOT GET ANYTHING TO COME UP, JUST BITS AND PIECES.( i read were it says to keep trying till it gets your nods or something,  but for how long??? so i even went from internet explorer to firefox, no different).. ok, so nothing works!   then did not try for a few weeks.  tried again now, my shortcut links  , click nothing comes up?  so  ok,  i uninstall.   i try to re install,  i get almost done then:   not able to locate file on disk or something.   disk full,  write protected?  so i find i did not uninstall first time, so i do for sure uninstall... try again, SAME DEAL?  WHAT IS THE POINT OF THIS?   i had dialup at first, thought mabey that was a prob. NOT, cause now i have DSL just got it the 28`th.  still aparently high speed does nothing?? I DONT GET IT?
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