On 6/5/06, / phred / <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
OK, Freenet is making my windows box run way too hot. (3.0 AMD / 2G /XP Pro)
Normally runs 94-98F, when I push really hard it gets up to 114-118F.
Freenet puts me up at 125-129F!
Slows everthing down to the point of unusability. So, I either have to turn
freenet off during the day, or move it off to a dedicated server.

So, I've got an old box sitting here - 666 Celeron / 256M / 60G
I'd like to put linux on it & run it as a stand alone freenet box.
Any suggestions on what flavor of linux would be easiest to set up freenet
on?(remember it's ONLY for freenet)
Any other things I'm going to need to set up / know?
Is there a readable faq/manual somewhere?
Anybody willing to help off list (via email or irc)
After OS & Swap, how much of the remaining drive space would it be ok to
dedicate to freenet?
Split temp & store 50/50?
Does java for linux behave any better?

Any tricks to configuring mainport.bindAddress & mainport.allowedHosts?
What about fuqid & frost?

You start with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick
is to fill the bag of experience before you empty the bag of luck.

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If you can get Sun Java on it and possibly recent versions of GIJ or
GCJ it shouldn't be a problem AFAIK but I haven't tried myself just
mentioning what I've heard.
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