On Wed, Apr 11, 2007 at 08:34:07PM +0100, Mr. Flibble wrote:
> For the last few weeks, I seem to be having a lot of temp files created,
> even though freenet seems to be running fine.
> At the moment I've got 31,935 files in my freenet temp directory, all of
> which have been created in the last two days and my node has been up for 1
> day and 4 hours.
> Sizes range from 1k to 4mb, and they are taking up 1,375mb!
> I'm running Fuqid, but only 5 files are being downloaded at the moment, and
> there's not much other activity going on as far as I know.

What's the total size of the files being downloaded?
> Any ideas on why I'm getting so many?
> Thanks,
> MrFlibble

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