Freenet 0.7 build 1109 is now available. Please upgrade ASAP. This build will 
be mandatory on Tuesday, and includes some critical bugfixes and major new 
- The "my node stops using bandwidth after N hours" bug is fixed.
- Ultra-Lightweight Passive Requests and Per-node Failure Tables are 
implemented. These should make clients that need to poll lots of keys such as 
FMS much more efficient. Note that this is not yet complete and in particular 
there is no client API yet, but it's been tested in simulation.
- Robert is developing a way to identify subnetworks, to take them into 
account in routing.
- Some fixes to the JPEG filter.
- Some HTL fixes in RequestSender and AnnounceSender.
- Various other bugfixes and minor changes.

Please upgrade ASAP! Please report any bugs you find to the bugtracker or to 
Frost. Thanks.

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