I've installed 0.7 yesterday (finally :) but I'm not getting rid of
0.5 just yet). I like the fact that it's not eating that much of the
computer resources as 0.5 (but then again, I've pretty much kept the
restrictive default settings about the memory and such).

Now, to my questions... After one day, it still says:
UDP Darknet port XXXXX Status unknown
UDP Opennet port XXXXX Maybe port forwarded
Why is this so? Both ports ARE port-forwarded, whereas the Darknet is
not used yet (since I have "no friends" in a manner of speaking).
However, an occasional packet to one of the ports is filtered every
now and then, on either hardware firewall or the personal/software
firewall (I hear it's because UDP packets tend to have problems with
firewalls - or vice versa...). Other than that, browsing seems to work

Where is the setting for maximum number of connections the whole thing
is allowed to maintain (which was pretty obvious in 0.5)? Is it the
"Maximum number of Opennet peers", which is 20 at max? If so, how come
only 20 is the upper limit?

About accessing the node from elsewhere in the LAN -- isn't this
configured in the "Hostnames or IP addresses that are allowed to
connect to FProxy"? Because I put an internal IP of another computer
in my LAN there, but I can't access the site from it.

As for these two...
"Directories downloading is allowed to"
"Directories uploading is allowed to"
...if I understand this correctly, putting the string "downloads"
there will use the path defined in "Default download directory"
setting (where e.g. I have "x:\download07" (without the quotes) -- is
this correct)?
What's the deal with "If this is set to "all" any user can download
any file to anywhere on your computer!" -- does it actually mean that
anyone who connects to my node will be able to read just about ANY
file on the system?

Oh, and BTW, I got this status message even after the auto-update to
the latest version:

12 of your peers are having severe problems (not acknowledging packets
even after 10 minutes). This is probably due to a bug in the code.
Please report it to us at the bug tracker at
https://bugs.freenetproject.org/ or at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Please include this message and what version of the node you are
running. The affected peers (you may not want to include this in your
bug report if they are darknet peers) are:
(12 IPs listed here).
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