On Sunday 05 July 2009 10:21:08 user1 wrote:
> On Saturday 04 July 2009 07:26:23 pm you wrote:
> > On Saturday 04 July 2009 14:42:13 user1 wrote:
> > > > There is no such thing as an unknown friend. If you just want Freenet
> > > > to work, use opennet. Friends are connections to nodes run by people
> > > > *you personally know*. Adding nodes randomly not only does not
> > > > significantly improve security over opennet, but it also sabotages the
> > > > network topology, as we discovered before we implemented opennet.
> > >
> > > I do not only want Freenet to work, it already is working, but I do not
> > > really feel as safe as the Freenet project should make you if you were
> > > connected via friends *smile*
> >
> > Not easily possible afaics.
> >
> > > Here are some follow questions:
> > >
> > > How safe is it to use Freenet using opennet, how anonymous are you
> > > really?
> >
> > Safer than if you are using bittorrent/a web browser. Beyond that, well it
> > depends on your opponent and how much he already knows, and your usage
> > patterns, and so on...
> >
> > > How safe are you, using opennet, lets say in percent? (provokative) :-)
> >
> > Percent isn't a measure we can easily compute. A theoretical measure is an
> > anonymity set, but again it depends on the strength of the attacker and so
> > on.
> >
> > > Is Freenet only suitable for groups of people knowing each others
> > > personally in real life, to use Freenet using friends, like p£olitical
> > > groups etc. ?
> >
> > There are some cases/assumptions in which Freenet is fairly secure. There
> > are other scenarios in which it is much less so. Sorry I can't give you the
> > confidence you'd like. :| Darknet helps in several important ways: - It is
> > much harder to identify your node, if your opponent is simply trying to
> > find and block/raid/etc Freenet nodes regardless of content. - Local
> > attacks are much less likely as the only people who can attack you are the
> > people you've added manually; on opennet, it is possible for an attacker to
> > get connected to you. - Any attack involving the attacker moving across the
> > network and slowly homing in on an identity is much harder because the
> > attacker has to compromise or seize nodes or engage in social engineering
> > at each hop.
> >
> > > Are individual people let out using Freenet, if they want to be as
> > > invisible as such a "polit¾ical group", and are you really safe against
> > > being caught by it experts, who really want to catch you, if you really
> > > want to be invisible? - that is if you do not have "friends" in real
> > > life, which probably most people do not have.
> >
> > How many facebook friends do you have? Social networks *can* work once
> > there is sufficient density. Right now Freenet is quite small, quite slow,
> > and has relatively little content, and most people don't know anyone using
> > it. That will change as it improves.
> Okay, do you realise, that we are communicating directly to you/me, not using 
> the mailing list ?
> that was not my intention *smile*
> If we, let's say is a h£ells a£ngels group of some 20 persons all only 
> connected to each others, does that mean, that we only are using the 20 nodes 
> all the time, not meeting any other nodes, if we are  only using darknet?
> A kind of closed freenet network?

Sure, closed darknets are feasible. But open darknets are much more 
interesting. One of the HA group is also a member of a different darknet group, 
so the darknet grows; more generally, your friends and your friends' friends 
are generally not the same, so it is possible to have a large network in 
relatively few hops, this is the "small world effect". One key requirement is 
that there be many "short" links and a few "long" links, but what short and 
long mean in the real world is unclear; in routing terms, large differences in 
location, in real-world terms, probably a long link corresponds to a friend in 
a different geographical location, or a different occupation, or mostly 
different social circles, etc.

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