Matthew Toseland :
On Wednesday 26 January 2011 10:04:27 Jep wrote:
Jep :
[FN not connecting to strangers]

Bootstrapping has been a lot slower for the last couple of weeks (you obviously have some other problem, maybe a low MTU, as well). I have checked all the obvious possibilities, I'm fairly sure there isn't anything seriously broken in the opennet code, it seems to be a side effect of wider network problems (e.g. the backoff when fetching stuff through fproxy). It is being worked on; if I had an easy and low-risk solution I'd deploy it.

Thanks for replying.

If there exists a problem with my winz, it is not bothering anything but Freenet. Even other, very demanding java apps run fine and there is no networking issue with anything else.

Ain't no tech, that MTU, is that something I can check for, and alter?
Wikipedia isn't making me much wiser, it's over my head.
If some network-guru can take me by the hand, please do. Spoonfeeding is not needed :)

Was off FN again for a day when updating to 1339.
Only restarts of Freenet seem to give some chance of letting it find peers.
Time and again, for a few seconds seednodes are found and if there ain't no peers found right after that, it never happens. Would a script be possible that 'sees' if there are connections, and when not, restarts FN?

And once more, I just keep asking... :

A question asked earlier, to which I have not seen an answer:
Can I conclude the Freenet wrapper no longer runs as a service, meaning that the FN service can be removed?

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