Matthew Toseland schreef:
On Monday 30 May 2011 12:09:50 Jep wrote:
On system reboot or FN update, I am used to no connection possible unless I reinstall Freenet from scratch. But now, once again, nothing helps. No reinstall, no FN restarts and no manual updates seem to matter; zit, nothing and nada connects. Nor did Dennis Nezics tip to add '' to wrapper.conf, make any difference. I don't take the trouble to reconfigure the new ports in the router time and again any more since that has proved to be unnecessary.

 From FNs log:

mei 30, 2011 09:53:41:937 ($COMPRESSOR_TYPE, WrapperListener_start_runner, ERROR): Unofficial COMPESSOR_TYPE, isn't this impossible? mei 30, 2011 09:53:43:421 (freenet.node.UptimeEstimator, WrapperListener_start_runner, ERROR): Unable to read old uptime file: [path]\Freenet\uptime.old.dat - we will assume we weren't online during that period mei 30, 2011 09:53:43:953 (plugins.ThawIndexBrowser.ThawIndexBrowser, Startup completion thread(0), ERROR): Start mei 30, 2011 09:54:20:437 (plugins.JSTUN.JSTUN, STUN IP detector for /x.x.x.x, ERROR): Server unreachable?: mei 30, 2011 09:58:18:656 (freenet.node.PacketSender, PacketSender thread for [port#], ERROR): Have not received any packets from any node in last 60 seconds
(last line repeated ad infinitum)


INFO | jvm 2 | 2011/05/30 11:53:56 | Successful STUN discovery from!:Network interface: eth0
INFO   | jvm 2    | 2011/05/30 11:53:56 | Local IP address: x.x.x.x
INFO | jvm 2 | 2011/05/30 11:53:56 | Result: Symmetric Cone NAT handles connections.
INFO   | jvm 2    | 2011/05/30 11:53:56 | Public IP: [my IP]
INFO | jvm 2 | 2011/05/30 11:53:56 | likely detections: 0 unlikely detections 0 remaining 7 INFO | jvm 2 | 2011/05/30 11:53:56 | Could not find the STUN server : - DNS problems? Trying another... INFO | jvm 2 | 2011/05/30 11:54:08 | Successful STUN discovery from!:Network interface: eth0
INFO   | jvm 2    | 2011/05/30 11:54:08 | Local IP address: x.x.x.x
INFO | jvm 2 | 2011/05/30 11:54:08 | Result: Symmetric Cone NAT handles connections.
INFO   | jvm 2    | 2011/05/30 11:54:08 | Public IP: [my IP]
INFO | jvm 2 | 2011/05/30 11:54:08 | likely detections: 0 unlikely detections 1 remaining 5 INFO | jvm 2 | 2011/05/30 11:54:32 | Successful STUN discovery from!:Network interface: eth0
INFO   | jvm 2    | 2011/05/30 11:54:32 | Local IP address: x.x.x.x
INFO | jvm 2 | 2011/05/30 11:54:32 | Result: Symmetric Cone NAT handles connections.
INFO   | jvm 2    | 2011/05/30 11:54:32 | Public IP: [my IP]
INFO | jvm 2 | 2011/05/30 11:54:32 | likely detections: 0 unlikely detections 2 remaining 3
INFO   | jvm 2    | 2011/05/30 11:54:32 | Found interface MTU: eth0 : 1500
INFO   | jvm 2    | 2011/05/30 11:54:32 | Detected IP: /[my IP] : type 6
INFO | jvm 2 | 2011/05/30 11:54:43 | Trying to connect to 17 seednodes...
(last line repeated ad infinitum)

Win XP updated,Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_24-b07)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 19.1-b02, mixed mode), enough diskspace and memory etcetera.

Any help, please?

ISP problems?


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