Gan Uesli Starling <alias at ...> writes:

> I'm trying to get Freenet going on NetBSD and
> having problems. Am writing a howto as I go, so
> whatever my mistake is you should find it there. 

> Freenet appears to start and run. I can get the
> main list of links. But not a single one of those
> links will display even after letting it run for
> 24 hours. 

Hmm. Well, to get some non-performance related points out of the way there's no
reason to forward 8888 and 8481 (mainport and FCP) unless you want to access
your node remotely over the 'net or make it a public proxy, only your randomly
listenPort is needed. Also the KidOfSpeed Chernobyl biking blog isn't quite what
it appears :)

If the "Web Interface" (usually called fproxy) appears but still doesn't do
anything a full 24 hours later, something is very wrong. Does anything work at
all, e.g. can you open the 'open connections' page? If not, presumably your JVM
has crashed. If you can, how many connections do you have and how many are
incoming? Another factor could be that your node is ridiculously overloaded,
what's system load like? It's generally a good idea to set outputBandwidthLimit
and inputBandwidthLimit. Start with something conservative.

Other things that should help are big datastores and plenty of RAM / large
maximum java heap (-Xmx line in Note that newbie nodes route
badly at first, and after considerable uptime "learn" the network / cache
content and do better. However, in my experience even a newbie node on default
settings should get some activelinks rendering after a bit and eventually manage
to make it to The Freedom Engine, so I think you have some more serious issue.

Finally, you might want to note that this is Freenet 0.5 and all development
work is currently focused on 0.7, which is considerably different (UDP, optional
large scale darknet routing, later versions will have "low" latency channels /
connections to a particular server etc.)


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