On 11/15/05, Ladi Olaiya <ladiolaiya at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Dear Support Personnel -
> I would like to create a "private" freenet within my organization that will
> only be known only to the members of my organization only. I do not want to
> be part of a larger Freenet.
> Could you please let me know how to do this?
> Also, I have been trying to download FQUID 1.2 unsuccessfully (Error:
> Couldn't Retrieve Key). If there any other way to download FQUID other than
> the link shown below? -
> at 
> CKesZYUJWn2GMvoif1R4SDbujIgPAgM/fuqid/9//?htl=14&try=1#Download
> Thanks in advance of your help.
> Sincerely,
> Ladi

I don't know enough to comment on how to create a private Freenet
although I know it can be done.  This link may help you:

The current Fuqid freesite is up to number 12  e.g. at CKesZYUJWn2GMvoif1R4SDbujIgPAgM/fuqid/12//

Fuqid is now up to version 1.5  The link to the file is at 

The current newest beta code is 1.5.12 and can be found here: at 
It works quite well.

I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend, to the
death, your right to say it. - Voltaire

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