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Quantum cryptographic data network created

EVANSTON, Ill., Aug. 28 (UPI) -- U.S. scientists have demonstrated, for the 
first time, a quantum cryptographic data network.

Researchers from Northwestern University and BBN Technologies Inc., a 
Cambridge, Mass., research and development company, said they integrated 
quantum noise protected data encryption, or QDE, with quantum key distribution 
to develop a complete data communication system with extraordinary resilience 
to eavesdropping.

"The volume and type of sensitive information being transmitted over data 
networks continues to grow at a remarkable pace," said Prem Kumar, professor of 
electrical engineering and computer science at Northwestern and co-principal 
investigator on the project. "New cryptographic methods are needed to continue 
ensuring that the privacy and safety of each user's information is secure."

The QDE method, called AlphaEta, makes use of the inherent and irreducible 
quantum noise in laser light to enhance the security of the system and makes 
eavesdropping much more difficult. The scientists said unlike most other 
physical encryption methods, AlphaEta maintains performance on par with 
traditional optical communications links and is compatible with standard fiber 
optical networks.

Henry Yeh, director of programs at BBN, said the newly developed system 
represents the state-of-the-art in ultra-secure high-speed optical 

Copyright 2006 by United Press International


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