<bryces at ...> writes:
-- big snip --
>   But I don't get incoming connections?  Netstat doesn't show anything 
> listening on port 443.  Is this normal for freenet?

No. It sounds like freenet is failing to bind the listenport, probably because
it's already in use, or manages to do so but then crashes during startup (can
happen e.g. with buggy JVMs or big datastores and the default heap size.) Even
with no connections at all freenet should "work" in that you should be able to
open the Web Interface page (right-click the system tray bunny.) If you can't
even do that a full 10 mins after starting it then one of the above has 

What does the end of freenet.log say? IIRC you can access this via the system
tray bunny, or just find it in the main program directory. Random crashes
probably indicate that your datastore is huge and the heap size needs
increasing, or that you have a buggy Java version (not very likely, anything
1.4.2+ should be OK.)


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