On Wednesday, June 6, 2007, at 12:03  am, Juiceman wrote:

> I'm not sure about this, but from the log it appears to be a problem
> with SHA-256.
> Looking at http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/guide/security/  It
> seems that SHA-256 might not have been added until version 1.4.2
> You may just need to update your Java.  BTW 1.4.1 has a security issue
> and minimum 1.4.2 is recommended.

Oh. The only info I found on the Java minimum version was

>  Java version 1.4.1 and later will work. However, be aware that there 
> are applet security vulnerabilities in all versions prior to Java 1.5 
> update 4. Generally, we recommend using Java 1.5.

which is here <http://freenetproject.org/download.html> but that was 
under the "Unix, and Linux" heading so probably specifically for those 

Right, so it seems to be my version of Java isn't up to it. OK thanks. 
I think Java 1.4.1 is the latest version for OS X 10.2.8 so I suppose 
I'll have to try a later version of OS X to get a later version of 
Java. Pretty sure somewhere said OS X 10.2.8 was OK for Freenet 0.7. Oh 


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