Freenet 0.7 build 1069 is now available. Please upgrade. This includes a fix 
to a weak keys issue in our Diffie-Hellman code (including STS and JFK), 
which apparently also affected Freenet 0.5 (we are not going to fix it in 0.5 
as 0.5 is unmaintained, but if you want to send us a patch we will apply it), 
which allowed man-in-the-middle attacks to break our link encryption. Tor 
fixed a similar issue in 2005. Apologies for not fixing this earlier, I had 
thought it was a less serious vulnerability. 1069 also contains a few fixes 
to the new connection crypto setup code, fixes a rare NPE on startup, and 
another one caused when trying to insert a nonexistent directory via FCP.

Thanks for using Freenet, please report any bugs you find. This build will be 
mandatory on the 30th of October. Builds 1067 and 1068 contained fixes to the 
new crypto code in 1066, if you are curious. Sorry.

Also, Freemail has been pluginised, and apparently works, although it has many 
issues. If you want to try it, load it by typing Freemail* (or Freemail# if 
you don't want it downloaded on every startup) into the load a plugin box.
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