Greetings FreeNeters,

I've been exploring and testing various systems for anonymous Internet
use and installed Freenet a week or so a go. My interest is largely
for ideological reasons. With the coming of the Internet,  it seems
governments, corporations, illegal organizations, etc. are all finding
the temptation to spy on the public and one another way too easy to
indulge.  I see a desperate need for some way to fight back.  Although
its still in its infancy, Freenet has certainly got my curiosity up.
Even if Freenet in its current form doesn't survive, the technologies
involved will hopefully be helpful to later projects.

While I would not call myself an expert at anything, I have a long
background in computers, both in hardware and software development. I
may be able to contibute some time toward FeeNet.

As I study the info online at I'm certain I'll have
questions. Is the Tech list a more appropriate place to ask them?

Patrick Hooker

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