On Saturday 05 July 2008 23:42, Mel Charters wrote:
> I am having problems getting freenet started. Using Mac OS 10.4.11 
> with Java Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_13-b05-241). Steps as follows.
> 1. Update to freenet 1053 in Terminal:  sh update.sh
> update goes to completion then starts freenet.
> 2. Start localhost:8888 with FireFox
> seems to start up fine, home page appears
> 3. click on statistics (localhost:8888/stats)
> here I get a blank page, nothing displayed.
> 4. In Terminal I display the wrapper.log (cat wrapper.log
> No unusual log entries. I notice that FCP has been started (
> 5. With Firefox I display
> There is a fatal protocol error :Code 1 (CodeDescription=ClientHello 
> must be first message )
> I conclude there is a corrupted or missing file but I don't how to 
> find or correct it. I have verified the router is tunneling the 
> proper ports to my LAN.

Try logs/freenet-latest.log (after duplicating the above, since the log is 
rotated hourly). There is probably an ERROR, maybe a NullPointerException ... 
search for it.

Oh and don't open in a browser. Open :8888 in a browser, :9481 
is for client apps (Thaw, Frost, FMS etc).
> Does anyone have a suggestion as to what files should  be in my 
> freenet directory? How do I proceed from here?

If you need more help just ask, but look at the above first.
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