> On Sat, 8 Nov 2008 22:09:42 -0500,
> Dennis Nezic <dennisn at dennisn.dyndns.org> wrote:
> In this last 2min test of mine, all of the errors came from my 1173
> opennet peers. Only one of them was listed as "BACKED OFF" (I
> was/am connected to him for 4h49m)--the other two were (and still are)
> "CONNECTED" (for 48m and 1h21m). They have varying overload
> probability percentages, 14% 16% 42% respectively. They have varying
> congestion control rates, 1MB/s 1MB/s 17Bytes/s respectively. They
> have varying RTT times, 263ms 138233ms 71006ms. They have varying
> overloaded percentages, the "backed off" one was "99.8%
> 7974/10800/AcceptedTimeout" but the other two were 3% and 28%, both
> with 0/1/ForwardRejectedOverload.

With just one of those opennet peers, who is still "CONNECTED", In
those 2min I got about 5000 of these ERROR messages!... many times just
under 200/s. 40% of my traffic with this peer is having to be resent.
(according to the strangers stats page.)

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