On Thu, 13 Nov 2008 18:16:55 +0000, Matthew Toseland
<toad at amphibian.dyndns.org> wrote:

> Freenet 0.7 build 1175 is now available. Please upgrade. Changes:
> - Handle the "Packet X sent Yms ago and still not acked" bug better.
> Don't complain in the log until 10 minutes, then disconnect from the
> peer and log the fact. We can then reconnect, but we will do so
> cleanly, so hopefully not get it again for a while. It seems that
> most of the disruption caused by this bug was caused by the logging
> on every resend and not the bug itself... Of course we will need to
> fix the bug too.

State Of The (My) 1175... It "feels" like it's running smoother,
although it's cpu profile here hasn't changed substantially. Perhaps
just a bit, due to better logging. The log files are finally usable!
(Usually under 100K per hour now :)

So, in one random 1 hour sample, here are the main ones that I get:

4 "Forcing disconnect" PacketSender ERRORs, both from opennet and
darknet peers, "because packets not acked after 10 minutes!". Does this
mean that NO packets have been received from these peers, or just a big
bunch of them? (I'm pretty sure my ISP doesn't kill connections, but
just drops a fraction of the packets.) For some reason, these error
messages come in pairs, first by FNPPacketMangler, then by (Dark|Open)

40 MessageCore ERRORs "from RequestSender  waitFor _unclaimed iteration
took 3428ms with unclaimedFIFOSize of 533 for ret of packetTransmit" or
"from UdpSocketHandler checkFilters took 6260ms with unclaimedFIFOSize
of 596 for matched: true"

24 freenet.io.xfer.BlockTransmitter.sendAsync(), "Terminated send
-123413232423 ... as we haven't heard from receiver in 1m54s."

4 freenet.io.xferPacketThrottle, Blocktransmitter: "Unable to send
throttled message, waited 60100ms"

6 freenet.io.comm.MessageCore Scheduled job ERRORS
"removeTimedOutFilters took 4000ms"

4 freenet.node.KeyTracker PacketSender "Packet 1234 sent over 600600ms
ago and still not acked". (THEY STILL EXIST!?! ;)

19 freenet.io.comm.UdpSocketHandler ERROR messages (from both darknet
and opennet), "processing packet took 4000ms" .. with times ranging
from 3000ms to 6600ms.

8 freenet.node.FNPPacketMangler "Message[1..4] timeout error:
Processing packet for freenetnode.tld:1234"

Also, in this log, I have noticed that the port number, in the
@ip:port@ portion of the error message does NOT match the port number
listed on the /friends/ web page. Why is that? (What happens, by the
way, if a darknet peer does change his port, by the way--we'd have to
re-add his node reference?)

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