On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 5:26 PM, Luke771 <luke771 at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, 24 Oct 2008 14:29:24 -0400
> "fred simpson" <freenetmailinglist at gmail.com> wrote:
> > On 10/23/08, Luke771 <luke771 at gmail.com> wrote:
> > > On Thu, 23 Oct 2008 17:18:40 -0400
> > > "fred simpson" <freenetmailinglist at gmail.com> wrote:
> > >
> > >> a) Can you be traced by your ID if someone gets your IP while you are
> > >> in low or normal stranger mode?
> > >
> <snip>
> > Thanks a lot but wouldn't it be relatively easy for someone to get
> > your IP while you're in opennet mode and then become one of your
> > friends before OR AFTER you go into darknetmode?
> >
> If you connect to someone in darknet mode, that peason is supposed to be a
> friend, trusted by default.
> And if you run opennet, you know that you can't hide that you run Freenet.
> Someone that gets to know that you run freenet because he peered to your IP
> through opennet is someone that you don't trust enough to tell him that
> you're running Freenet -therefore, you shouldn't connect him to your
> darknet.
> And yes, we all can misplace our trust. Somone that you believed to be a
> friend can sell your ass for much lower price than you imagined, possibly
> even for the pure pleasure of getting you busted. That kind of things has
> always happened and always will happen. You can try to minimize the risk but
> you can't possibly reduce them to a nice round zero.
> >
> > >>
> > >> b) How do you access Freenet through tor?
> > >
> > > You don't.
> > >
> > I have Torbutton on while I access Freenet through Firefox. What is that?
> >
> You're not accessing Freenet through Tor. If you check how your proxy
> settings look like while Torbutton is activated, (tools or settings menu
> according to your system, then preferences => Advanced => Network =>
> settings) you'll find that the second field from the bottom is marked 'No
> proxy for...' and the value in the field is ', localhost'.
> That means that when you type or localhost in your browser's
> address field, Firefox skips the proxy.
> >
> he West. It is possible that it has happened
> > > and I don't know about it.
> > > If authorities suspect you to possess illegal files and seize your
> computer,
> > > you're pretty much screwed. You may have a chance if you have taken
> > > precautions that have nothing to do with Freenet (it's mostly about
> file
> > > storage).
> > >
> > I'm assuming that means encrypting your drive.
> >
> You're assuming wrong.
> All they need is a password. The police will simply kick your ass until you
> give up your password. And They are trained professionals who know physical
> and psychological techniques to extract information.
> That is, unless you live in some idyllic country in Northern Europe, where
> the police do not kick uspects' ass and you would get to choose between
> giving up your password or facing a prison sentence for the crime of not
> giving up your password (that's for your own good, boy)
> Your only defense is don't get caught -ever-.
> If they find an encrypted disk, you're just as screwed as you would be if
> you had your data stored in clear, plus some good ass-kicking.
> With some research (read: google) you can learn how to configure LUKS
> (maybe even Truecrypt) to make your encrypted partitions luck like they're
> simply unformatted. Not that it would help much if the bad guys happen to
> -know- that the data is there (and there are thousands of way to find out,
> including asking YOU, say on a mailing list.
> > >>
> > >> d) Is it possible to have multiple Freenet ID's? If so, can you use
> > >> them at the same time?
> > >
> > > If you mean Frost or FMS identity, the answer is yes. And yes.
> <snip>
> > I meant multiple instances of Freenet. I'd like one instance in
> > opennet and one instance in darknet. For downloading non-sensitive
> > files and communicating non-sensitive information and for downloading
> > sensitive files and communicating sensitive information, respectively
> Yes, you can have multiple instances of Freenet on the same box. If you run
> the installer while a node is already running, your new node will be
> automatically configured to use different ports for FProxy and for
> connecting to apps such as Frost or Thaw. In the same way, you can run the
> installer a third time while the two existing nodes are running, and the
> third node will use a third set of ports.
> However, you will need to configure the applications (Thaw, Frost, etc) to
> make them connect to the second node (or the third etc), because they would
> all connect to the first node by default (port 9481)
> Anyways, I don't see much sense in this kind of configuration. I won't even
> discuss wehther or not it would be more secure than simply running a node
> the way it's supposed to be run (it probably isn't), the only thing that I'm
> going to point out is that you have accessed a mailing list, declared that
> you use Freenet, given some clue about your nationality and colural
> background, and pretty much stated that you are interested in downloading
> illegal files.
> If I was you, I'd stay the hell off anything more illegal than mowing your
> lawn at the wrong time of the day.

   *Read: tor. There are many other ways to make oneself anonymous besides
Freenet. And I'll take the beating, please. That will look great in court.*

> --
> FAFS - The Freenet Applications FreeSite
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