2009/4/1 Matthew Toseland <toad at amphibian.dyndns.org>:
> On Wednesday 01 April 2009 15:54:00 mihail at riseup.net wrote:
>> I went through it on the list and people said back, 'yeah, there are lots
>> of problems running Freenet on Vista but a new Vista friendly version is
>> coming soon'.
> Yes, it's a known problem, the easier solution is to use the start.exe and
> stop.exe from the new wininstaller in the old installer, the harder solution
> is to finish (e.g. translate) and deploy the new wininstaller.

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I submitted several patches to make the current update.cmd script take
advantage of the new start.exe and stop.exe (if they existed) while
maintaining backwards compatibility, but that directory is restricted
access and no-one applied the patches.  :(

The last .diff I sent was on January 19th.  I grew annoyed that my
work was seemingly not wanted and I wandered on to other things.

I still had some work to do to finish the Vista node restart handling,
but I always committed working code that would not break installs and
in fact fixed at least one bug in the current script.

Attached is the last .diff I sent if you want to see where I left off...

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